Step 1 · Be inspired and inspiring
Congratulations, you’ve already completed half of step one just by expressing interest in hosting a trunk show. Now, put together a list of friends you think would be interested in supporting The Catrinka Project to invite to your home or to a neighborhood shop or café for the trunk show. Consider hosting a trunk show together with a screening of Girl Rising, the film that inspired our project (see We have lots of ideas so let us know what works best for you. We’ll then send you an electronic invitation to send to your guests that has all of the details about our mission.
Step 2· Poll your friends
Reach out to your list and ask them to check out the bags on our website, and let you know which bags they are most interested in. Based on this and your general sense of your audience, let us know what inventory you’d like us to send you.
Step 3· Get the goods
In advance of your trunk show, we’ll send you a box that includes our bags, marketing materials, pricing information, and a Square card reader, which will allow you to accept credit card payments on your mobile phone or tablet.
Step 4· Set up
You can display the bags and marketing materials on a single table and / or use a clothing rack. We will send you set up photos for inspiration. Offer some refreshments and a welcoming atmosphere.
Step 5· Have fun
We hope your friends have a great time shopping our collection of artisanal bags and engaging in meaningful discussion of the importance of employing and educating women.
Step 6· Pack it up
Any unsold items or unused marketing materials can be returned along with the square reader in the same box we sent you with a shipping label that we will email you.
After you’ve read these steps, email us at to get started!